
Rsts Tape Distributions.

The following directories contain magtape distributions of all the 1600bpi tapes pulled from my tape rack. Each directory (at least the ones pulled from my backups) should contain 3 ZIP files in the following format. A 'D' ZIP file is a duplication archive that can be used to recreate the original 9-track tape that created these files (ex. V4AD.ZIP). A 'F' ZIP file is every file that was on the tape. For DOS-11 tapes each file will have a 14byte header, followed by the contents of the actual file. For ANSI tapes, the headers and trailers will be in individual files. A 'T' ZIP file is a tape image archive that is directly readable by the Simh and E11 V2 emulators. These images were created by using the Amiga arexx scripts that I wrote, that are in the Amiga directory.

The exceptions to this are the V72, V9BACK, and CDCPK directories. The V72 tape had errors on it and can therefore not be replicated in it's original form. There is no 'D' archive for V72. The V9BACK tape was a SAVRES image and was recreated in it's original form by using the TImage.rexx script. There is no 'F' archive for V9BACK. The CDCPK directory was created by combining two '2' tapes. Both tapes were combined into 1 'F' archive. There is no '2F' or '2T' archives for CDCPK.

Please note that these files were created prior to the development of the TPC tape format created for tape image files. I split the distribution tapes into two (2) files so that the ANSI portion of the distribution could be loaded independantly from the standard DOS tape (INIT BOOT) section.

V4A                         02-21-98  8:20p V4A
V6C                         02-21-98  8:06p V6C
V72                         02-21-98  8:07p V72
V8SYSGNK                    02-21-98  8:01p V8SYSGNK
V8CSP180                    02-21-98  8:03p V8CSP180
V9LIB                       02-19-98 11:44a v9lib
V91                         02-19-98 12:03a v91
V93                         02-19-98 12:03a v93
V94                         02-18-98 10:45p v94
V95                         02-19-98 12:03a v95
V95BP2                      02-26-98 10:51p V95BP2
K11                         02-21-98  8:22p K11
V8MICRO                     02-21-98 10:07a V8Micro
V8USER                      02-21-98  9:23p V8User
V8STF1                      02-21-98  9:19p V8Stf1
V8STF2                      02-21-98  9:21p V8Stf2
V9BACK                      02-25-98  9:38p V9Back
CUSTOM1                     02-21-98  5:07p custom1
CUSTOM2                     02-21-98  5:07p custom2
CUSTOM3                     02-21-98  9:25p Custom3
ANSI1                       02-21-98  5:25p ansi1
CDCPK                       02-26-98 10:27p cdcpk

Index of . / distros / RSTS_tapes /

File Size Modified Description
[dir] Parent Directory
[dir] V95 [6 Files]58.8 MB2017-Mar-30Rsts V9.5 Sysgen. BB-P016M-BC.
[dir] V94 [6 Files]53.8 MB2017-Mar-30Rsts V9.4 Sysgen. BB-P016L-BC.
[dir] V93 [6 Files]48.1 MB2017-Mar-30Rsts V9.3 Sysgen. BB-P016K-BC.
[dir] V97 [2 Files]46.3 MB2016-Oct-01Rsts V9.7 Sysgen. BB-P016O-BC.
[dir] V9Lib [5 Files]40.5 MB2017-Mar-25Rsts V9 Library. BB-H751M-BC.
[dir] V96 [2 Files]40.3 MB2016-Sep-30Rsts V9.6 Sysgen. BB-P016N-BC.
[dir] V91 [6 Files]32.6 MB2017-Mar-25Rsts V9.1 Sysgen. BB-P016I-BC.
[dir] V92 [3 Files]26.9 MB2017-Mar-25Rsts V9.2 Sysgen. BB-P016J-BC.
[dir] V_10.1 [4 Files]23.1 MB2017-Jan-16Rsts V10.1 Sysgen. Unknown DEC Product Code.
[dir] V_10.0 [2 Files]20.4 MB2017-Jan-09Rsts V10.0 Sysgen. Unknown DEC Product Code.
[dir] V6C [5 Files]14.6 MB2017-Mar-23Rsts V6C Sysgen. Unknown DEC Product Code.
[dir] V90 [3 Files]12.2 MB2017-Mar-25Rsts V9.0 Sysgen. BB-P016H-BC.
[dir] V8SYSGNK [3 Files]9.7 MB2009-Apr-14Rsts V8.0 Sysgen. BB-P016K-BC.
[dir] V8CSP180 [3 Files]9.4 MB2009-Apr-14Rsts V8.0 Cusps. BB-V353A-BC.
[dir] V72 [5 Files]9.0 MB2017-Jan-15Rsts V7.2 Sysgen. BB-H751J-BC.
[dir] V8Micro [3 Files]6.7 MB2009-Apr-14Rsts V8.0 MicroRsts. Unknown DEC Product Code.
[dir] V4A [4 Files]4.8 MB2016-Oct-03Rsts V4A-12 DEC-11-ORDPA-A-HC.
[dir] V70 [3 Files]3.7 MB2017-Apr-24Rsts V7.0 Sysgen. Unknown DEC Product Code.
[dir] V4B [2 Files]2.5 MB2017-Jan-14Rsts V4B-17 DEC-11-ORTBB-A-MC9.
0 Files - 19 FoldersTotal size: 463.3 MB   
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