
Rsts V4A Tape Distribution.

The three ZIP files in this directory follow the same format as described in the previous directory. The difference from other versions of RSTS is that the tape is not a bootable distribution (It is a DOS archive of 4 OS distributions).

The [0,1] account contains all of the RT-11 Version 5.1 distribution that was distributed on RX02 Floppy (I created a bootable RT-11 5.1 tape in the RT-11_V5.1 folder).

The [1,1] account contains all of the DOS-11 V08-02 distribution that creates the CIL (Core Image Library) of the RSTS-11 V4A-12 Operating System (The bootable RK05 distribution for this is HERE).

The [1,2] account contains all of the RSTS-11 CUSPS (Commonly Used System Programs) that were distributed on paper tape.

And the [8,8] account contains all of the DOS-11 V08-08 distribution that was an upgraded version of the DOS-11 Operating System (The bootable RK05 distribution for this is HERE).

Index of . / distros / RSTS_tapes / V4A /

File Size Modified Description
[dir] Parent Directory
[zip] V4AD.ZIP1.5 MB1998-Feb-23Rsts V4A-12 Duplication Archive.
[zip] V4AF.ZIP1.7 MB1998-Feb-23Rsts V4A-12 Files Archive.
[zip] V4AT.ZIP1.5 MB1998-Feb-23Rsts V4A-12 (Tape) DEC-11-ORDPA-A-HC.
[txt] V4ATAPE_LIST.TXT13.8 KB2016-Oct-03Directory Contents of the V4A.TAP.
4 Files - 0 FoldersTotal size: 4.8 MB   
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