
The Rsts V4A-12 Distribution.

The following two archives are all the files needed to recreate the RSTS V4A distribution set. The DOSV802.ZIP is the DOS-11 Operating System files, and object files for creating the RSTS.CIL (Core Image Library). The BASIC.ZIP archive are the Basic cusps that would be loaded thru the paper-tape reader.

I presume the only piece of this puzzle that is missing, would be the absolute loader to load the DOS-11 utilities to assemble and link RSTS.CIL and CILUS to put it onto a disk.

BASIC    ZIP        49,430  02-25-98 10:23a BASIC.ZIP
DOSV802  ZIP       461,616  02-25-98 10:24a DOSV802.ZIP

Updated: 18-Jul-2007 11:18

The magic works. It has been almost a decade since I touched any of this stuff with the intention of preserving it. John Wilson and I hashed over the issues of getting an absolute loader to load, decided we had missed something, and went back to our regular jobs. The load routine that Bob Supnik wrote will correctly load SYSLOD so that an RK05 can be booted with DOS-11.

(There are 2 RK05 images of DOS-11 versions in the DOS-11 folder.)

As far as I know, these are the only working copies of DOS-11 as I had not been able to get the DECtape (Fixed Disk) versions to run.

The RSTSV4A.DSK will boot under Simh, and I genned in both the papertape reader, punch and a TU10. I'll leave it to you to load the rest of the utilites. Enjoy.

Index of . / distros / RSTS_disks / V4A /

File Size Modified Description
[dir] Parent Directory
[zip] BASIC.ZIP48.3 KB1998-Feb-2536 Files, Rsts V4A-12 Basic Cusps.
[zip] DOSV802.ZIP450.8 KB1998-Feb-2584 Files, Rsts V4A-12 Sysgen (DOS11).
[dsk] RSTSV4A.DSK254.0 KB2007-Jul-18RK05 Bootable Rsts V4A-12 Disk.
[txt] RSTSV4A.TXT379.0  B2007-Jul-18Information on booting V4A-12.
4 Files - 0 FoldersTotal size: 753.4 KB   
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