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This is the home of the RSTS.org web site. RSTS is an operating system that was created by Digital Equipment Corporation to run on the 16-bit PDP-11 series of computers. For more information about RSTS, you should check out the RSTS/E article about it on Wikipedia.

RSTS.org contains a repository of RSTS distros, information about RSTS and this blog that
people can use to discuss the system that got most of us started.

by www@rsts.org
Sunday, April 12, 2009, 08:15 PM
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Steve Edwards
I'd like to cast another vote for scanning the old RSTS/E Professional and DEC Professional magazines.

I'm willing to help if it's a manpower issue.

I (and a bunch of my co-workers) wrote many articles and would love to show my kids.

Steve Edwards
Co-founder of the long deceased Software Techniques,Inc.
Frequent author of [RSTS/E|DEC] Professional articles.
Friday, June 10, 2016, 11:21 PM

Brett, it's time to scan those old RSTS Professional's. I'd love to see them again - so many memories. I visited their offices in PA one time back in the day. I also published an article or two in there. Probably something about Tables-11.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015, 04:05 PM

Brett Bump
Hi Jim,

I still have all my copies of RSTS Pro as well as a number of years of DEC Pro. My original intent was to get them scanned and online, but have yet to do so. I did quite a bit of research trying to figure out who owned Professional Press to no avail. Each company that it got transferred to claims no knowledge of the magazines. But be assured, that I still have complete copies as well as others (Mike Mayfield still has a set).


Saturday, July 27, 2013, 02:52 AM

James van Bokkelen
I think my original copies of RSTS Professional magazine stayed behind when I left Perception Technology Corp. in 1985. I found this site while looking for the magazine on-line; I wrote several articles back in the day, and it would be nice to have them, or at least titles & dates.


Friday, July 26, 2013, 11:47 AM

David Benfell

RSTS/E is the system I originally went to school on. And while my programming career didn't last long, I always really liked this system.

I found a version 7.0 that I could just unpack and run on simh on a Linux system. And that's nice (actually really nice), but I really liked BASIC-PLUS-2 that was available under version 7.2. Also, I'm unclear as to whether I have a magtape that I can use to run a sysgen with the latest source available on your site.

Ideally, I'd get DECnet running or some kind of interface to the rest of my Linux system so I could get files in and out of the simulation.

I see a build.txt that shows how to do a sysgen. It looks like it uses a sysgen disk. And if I'm reading what I'm seeing in your distributions correctly, you supply simulated magtapes.

Is there something out there to help me figure out which way is up?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010, 06:07 AM

RSTS.org has existed for over a decade, however there was never a web page posted here until 17-Jul-2003. RSTS the Operating System however started its existence 30 years prior to that (1973).

The RSTS.org main page was just recently updated to run as a blog for those interested in discussing issues about RSTS via this site.

Sunday, April 19, 2009, 03:25 AM

Is this site new?
Saturday, April 18, 2009, 11:33 PM