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Hardware changes again (well it has been about a decade).


Rsts Moves (again)


by bbump
Wednesday, July 11, 2018, 07:09 AM
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If you haven't seen it, Paul Nankervis Javascript PDP-11/70 and PDP-11/45 Emulators are nice eye candy.
You can download the code (Here) or run a RSTS image on RSTS.ORG (Here).


by bbump
Wednesday, September 14, 2016, 12:09 PM
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Two minutes in the life (the photo is only 5 seconds) of an emulated RSTS V95 system (via John Wilson's E11 program). Hope you enjoy it.


RSTS Video


by bbump
Thursday, August 25, 2016, 10:11 AM
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Well, today marks the first of my blog entries on RSTS.org. Many of you know me from the #classiccmp channel, and in the past from the ClassicCmp list. The hardware I'm working with here is a real PDP-11, on which I'd like to have running as old a copy of RSTS as possible.

Here's the machine specs:
Serial No: AG43576
Model 11/34-DH (Originally...this just tells the original build spec)

11/34a (M8265/8266)
128KW memory (MS11-L)
Serial Line Unit (M7856)
SCSI controller (CMD CDU-720)...thanks Jason!
Ethernet controller (DELUA)

Media devices:
RX26 floppy drive
2GB Seagate SCSI hard drive

So recently I've been trying to get an OS on this thing. Good part: this controller will recognize just about anything that I can plug into it, and that includes using a SCSI-to-IDE adapter...yes, it really will use IDE devices without a problem, meaning I COULD, if I wanted to, use a CF card.

Well, the problem with RSTS releases is, that they didn't plan ahead for larger disk sizes, meaning I have to find a small medium to make it work. This used to not be a problem on the SCSIfied 11/23+ I had, because the UC07 can truncate and partition disks with no problem - no such luck on the CMD-720U.

What happens if you set up too large a disk, you ask?

"RSTS/E fatal initialization error."
by julian@twinax.org
Friday, August 21, 2009, 09:26 AM
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The RSTS.org domain has migrated to some faster hardware. Check out the blog info and photo album about the move. It's amazing what you can get for free that is otherwise headed for the trash bin.

Rsts Moves

by www@rsts.org
Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 04:27 PM
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