Amiga ARexx Scripts for Making Rsts Tape Distributions.
The following programs are arexx scripts created on an Amiga for manipulating tape files into tape images for the E11 emulator.
The DOS512 script will create straight DOS tape images (14,512,0).
The ANSI2048 script will create ANSI tape images (80,80,80,2048,80,0).
The DOSBOOT script will create MGBOOT DOS images (2062,512,0).
The TIMAGE (tape image) script will mirror image any tape from 'dupin'.
DONE is a text file on how the tapes were created. The DISK script will create 512byte blocks of 'x' size for making blank disk images.
ANSI2048 REX 2,826 02-27-98 6:42p Ansi2048.rex
DOS512 REX 1,634 02-27-98 6:42p Dos512.rex
ANSIHDR 80 80 02-27-98 6:42p AnsiHdr.80
DONE 2,035 02-27-98 7:04p Done
DOSBOOT REX 2,111 02-27-98 6:42p DosBoot.rex
TIMAGE REX 1,688 02-27-98 6:42p TImage.rex
DISK REX 471 02-27-98 6:41p Disk.rex
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